CBD Cream: Discover the Abundance of Benefits & Uses

Discover the Abundance of Benefits

When CBD comes to mind, most people think of a natural product that can be ingested, like a gummy, capsule, or oil. As the CBD industry looks to keep pace with the overwhelming excitement and demand for products, more and more manufacturers are finding new and thrilling ways to make CBD usable. After all, CBD can offer wonderful therapeutic benefits for several health issues, such as stress, muscle aches, poor sleep, and joint discomfort. Say hello to CBD cream—another exceptional solution to receiving healthy, all-natural support. 

What is CBD Cream?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid compound and hemp plants’ second most active ingredient. Along with Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), there are over 100 cannabinoids in hemp plants and several more compounds, such as terpenes and flavonoids. When all of these elements are extracted from hemp plants, they are refined into three possible types:

  • Full-spectrum CBD: contains CBD and all other hemp plant cannabinoids and compounds, such as terpenes, flavonoids, and small amounts of THC (0.3% or less). Terpenes are bioactive compounds that assist cannabinoids in their absorption into the body. Flavonoids are valued for their anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. THC is a psychoactive compound and the most active ingredient in hemp plants. 
  • Broad-spectrum CBD: contains CBD and multiple other cannabinoids but no THC.

This type of CBD may be best for those who wish to experience the same synergistic effects of various compounds like full spectrum but without THC. Although it can provide powerful relief, some people may be sensitive to THC.  

  • Isolate CBD: contains just CBD. A pure and potent form, isolate may be preferred for those sensitive to other cannabinoids. 

CBD cream utilizes one of these three types by infusing them into a carrier oil, such as MCT oil (coconut-derived), hemp seed oil, or olive oil. These traditional oils are typically safe for topical applications on your skin without causing irritation or an allergic reaction. Of course, for people who are not sensitive to skincare products, CBD can also be combined with an endless combination of emollients (skin softeners), moisturizers, and more. 

What is CBD Cream Used For?

The biggest difference between CBD cream and all other forms of CBD is that it’s the only method that isn’t ingested. Topical CBD is absorbed through the body’s largest organ—the skin. Consuming capsules or gummies can be challenging for some people with sensitive digestive issues. Topically-absorbed CBD may provide speedier relief since it doesn’t have to contend with the long absorption process into the bloodstream. Many people prefer CBD creams to help target and soothe several health concerns, such as joint discomfort, muscle aches, and headaches.

What Does CBD Cream Do to Your Body?

All CBD methods offer relief by interacting with receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). From the central nervous system (CNS)—brain and spine—to the peripheral nervous system (PNS)—beyond the CNS, including the skin—ECS receptors are everywhere! Like an air traffic control tower, the ECS regulates several body functions, such as temperature, sleep cycle, heart rate, inflammation response, and more. CBD cream is unique because it’s the only form that can access receptors in the skin. Homeostasis—steady internal body functions—is vital for overall health and survival. Like a cavalry showing up to save the day, CBD cannabinoids flock to these receptors to support and enhance homeostasis. For example, if someone is experiencing muscle aches, CBD cream may stimulate a natural anti-inflammatory response to bring soothing relief. 

How Do You Use CBD Cream?

CBD cream is very easy to use. Simply apply it to areas you wish to target and massage it like any cream or lotion. CBD cream may provide comfort and relief for several areas, such as the neck, knee, shoulders, or temples. Apply as frequently to target areas as often as necessary. 

Just be mindful to wash your hands afterward. Like any substance, you don’t want it to get into your eyes by mistake. 

What are the Benefits of CBD Cream?

May Soothe Joint and Muscle Discomfort 

With an estimated 54 million people suffering from joint problems, CBD cream may offer relief thanks to its ability to stimulate a natural anti-inflammatory response in joints. Out of a sample group of 428 people, one study found that 83% of those who used CBD saw an improved response to discomfort, while 66% enjoyed improvements in physical function. Even though this study focused on joint discomfort, the ECS receptors in muscles may also benefit from CBD activating a natural anti-inflammatory response. 

Choosing the Best CBD Cream

When it comes to high-quality CBD creams, Agave Farm Boys has got you covered. Our premium full-spectrum CBD formula utilizes all the potent cannabinoids and compounds of hemp plants. Try our exceptional broad-spectrum CBD formula if you seek the same potency without adding THC. Both full and broad-spectrum formulas offer the “entourage effect,” a phenomenon when all compounds join forces to maximize therapeutic qualities. Along with high-quality CBD, our creams contain other all-natural, therapeutic compounds, such as MSM, Eucalyptus, Arnica, Organic Aloe, and essential oils to offer you maximum relief. At Agave Farm Boys, we strive to provide exceptional CBD products backed by independent third-party testing. Each CBD batch we produce is issued a Certificate of Analysis before it’s offered to our valued customers. We believe in full transparency. Simply enter your batch code from the CBD product’s packaging on our site to see your batch’s results. 

Contact us today to learn more about Agave Farm Boys and how our CBD cream products can best support you!